
COVID-19 Update: June 3, 2020

Jun 03, 2020
COVID-19 Update: June 3, 2020
Situation Update MKC clinics are still here to meet your heart care needs during the pandemic. While some of our patient appointments are being performed virtually through Tele-Medicine or telephone, we are open for office visits, diagnostic imaging...

Situation Update

MKC clinics are still here to meet your heart care needs during the pandemic. While some of our patient appointments are being performed virtually through Tele-Medicine or telephone, we are open for office visits, diagnostic imaging and other services necessary to manage your health.

Can I bring a family member or friend with me to my appointment?

On the day of your appointment, please arrange to be dropped off at the clinic. To limit foot traffic in our clinics and protect the safety of our patients and staff, currently we are not allowing visitors to our clinics, even to accompany patients to appointments. Patients who require physical assistance can have ONE visitor to assist them. If you provide us with the name and phone number of your family member or friend who is dropping you off for care, we will be happy to assist you in contacting them when your appointment is over and you are ready for pick up.

An Emergency is Still an Emergency – Even During the Pandemic

If you’re experiencing concerning symptoms that may require immediate medical attention, don’t let your worry about the coronavirus keep you from heading to the nearest emergency room right away. Even during the pandemic, you can get urgent health care safely at your local hospital.

What are we continuing to do to keep you safe?

  • MKC and all our clinics are requiring all patients and employees to wear a face covering (if you forget one, we can provide it to you).
  • We are screening all who enter our facility, to include a temperature check.
  • Patient rooms and frequently-touched surfaces in common areas and employee work places are being cleaned and disinfected thoroughly.
  • Ensuring physical distancing as much as possible in our waiting areas.
  • Limiting visitation to our clinics. No visitors in our clinics and patients coming in for appointments who need physical assistance are limited to one visitor.

Key COVID-19 Resources: